L - Lawyer

“Lawyers, I suppose, were children once.”

– Charles Lamb

We’ve all heard “the lawyer” jokes. But the truth is that those with legal assistance fare much better in our system than those with no legal assistance. The problem, until recently, has been that lawyers have worked in only one way.

With limited scope and legal coaching, working – or more accurately, partnering - with a lawyer is now possible. You get the benefits of a lawyer with a lot less of the challenges.

You control your budget.

You get help when you need it.

You decide what you need help with.

You work with a partner who bring skills, knowledge, and experience you don’t have.

Whether you are at the beginning of the legal process, mid-way through, or just about at the end: A lawyer is a professional you can and should include as part of your toolkit.

Check back next week, ‘M’ is for …