X – eXpertise

“One of the problems with expertise is that people have it in some domains and not in others.”

– Daniel Kahneman

You are an expert in the story of your life. You know the players, you know what’s important, you know your reality. But if you don’t have legal expertise, then you want to ensure you get someone on your team who does have that knowledge.

Managing your own family law issues is tough. Of course, it can be done and it can be done well. Those who have come through the experience of handling their own separation or divorce with the assistance of a lawyer report more satisfying outcomes than those who have gone through it without any expertise.

Lawyers have expertise in the law. They know the legal tests, how various processes work, the rules of the court, how to do research and write, how to build strong legal arguments, and when to settle. Lawyers also know when it is time to bring in other professionals. For example, your case may require experts such as real estate appraiser or a specialized accountant who can prepare a report about your income (if it’s complicated or you are self-employed).

When you hire a lawyer on a limited scope or legal coaching basis you add the necessary expertise to your team. The lawyer helps fill in the gap between what you know about your own circumstances and how those facts may be applied in the law.

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