S – Support

“Bridging the gap requires strong support.”

– Darin Green

Separation and divorce are a time of great change. Almost everyone has some combination of a friend, family member, colleague, or mental health professional upon whom to rely. No one should go through the process without any legal support.

Would you build a house without getting some advice from an architect or an engineer, plumber, or electrician? There are key times when legal help is a necessity. The point at which that times comes really depends on you. Making sure that legal help is available at the time and in the form you need is what limited scope and legal coaching is all about.

Law is a service industry in which lawyers strive to support their clients. As a profession, we need to ensure there are different ways to provide our services.

When you retain a lawyer on a limited scope basis, you get the support of the lawyer by having the lawyer do the work on your behalf. It could mean preparing something in writing for you, being your representative at a particular event, running some spousal support calculations, or giving you independent legal advice before you sign a settlement or agreement.

When you hire a lawyer on a legal coaching basis, you get the support at the time and in the way you need it. You may want advice on the law, an understanding of the various process options (negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation), editing of your written documents, explanation of what to expect at a court appearance, a strategy session, or help figuring out the next step.

Managing the resolution of your family law issues requires the support of a number of key players – don’t leave a lawyer off your team.

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