I – Information

“In the age of technology, there is constant access to vast amounts of information. The basket overflows; people get overwhelmed.”

– Criss Jami

You’re thinking about separation or divorce – or you’ve just been told it’s happening. You feel overwhelmed. You sit down and Google “separation or divorce” and get pages upon pages of information. You don’t know where to start. You have no idea what sources to trust. You have no clue whether reading something from California applies in Ontario. You shut down Google feeling worse than when you sat down.

Professional, reliable, and clear information is critical. Lawyers are professionals who are reliably able to provide you with the information you need. There are not only differences in the law from one province to the next, but there are different procedures in various courthouses within each province.

Hiring a lawyer on an unbundled or legal coaching basis will give you the information that you need – based on the specific issues you are dealing with, in the province in which you live, in the process in which you are engaged. If the lawyer is hired on an unbundled basis, you will get information about that specific task or event. If the lawyer is hired on a legal coaching basis, you will have access to information all along the way.

Do not underestimate the value of getting the information as you need it. While it’s great to have a general understanding of a process at the beginning of it, inevitably questions arise as you move forward. Information is a key component to achieving your goals.

Check back next week, ‘J’ is for …