A – Advice (legal)

“Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.”

– Wendell Johnson

Giving legal advice is at the core of what lawyers do.

Legal advice actually comes in different forms. There is advice about:

  • the law itself (relevant legal principles and legal tests, the legislation that covers that area, the decisions of previous court cases, etc);

  • procedure (how to do things);

  • strategy;

  • negotiation;

  • etiquette (how to behave in court, mediation, etc);

  • and so much more

When you hire a lawyer on a limited scope basis, the lawyer will provide you with the legal advice you need for that specific task or event.

When you hire a lawyer to provide legal coaching, the lawyer will provide you with the type of legal advice you need when you ask for it.

Check back next week, ‘B’ is for …